How to Apply

General Provisions

A child is officially enrolled only after he/she has submitted his/her valid admission requirements or transfer credentials, has paid the necessary school fees, and is authorized to attend classes.

Tuition fees may be paid in installments; however, miscellaneous fees per semester must be paid in full during semestral enrollment.

An enrollment contract for probationary pupils/students shall be filed by any enrollee with the Disciplinarian if the pupil/student exhibits low grades, repeats the previous grade/year level, or has a conduct grade of below 75%.

The school encourages pupils and students to enroll in the Chinese Language Arts program, as the skill they will learn in the program will be an advantage in future gainful employment, business, government service and technology in our globally expanding world. Once enrolled, no child shall be allowed to drop from the Chinese program except for reasons approved by the Chinese Supervisor.

A child may withdraw enrollment within the first two (2) weeks of the school year with the approval of the school authorities and accomplishment of the proper clearance. He/she is entitled to a refund of the tuition fee paid provided the payment was for the entire semester or school year. If the payment was on a monthly basis, no refund shall be given. Miscellaneous fees are non-refundable. The refund schedule is as follows:

  1. Within the first week of the school year - 75% of full/semestral tuition payment, whether attended or not
  2. Within the second week of the school year - 50% of full/semestral tuition payment, whether attended or not
  3. Beyond the second week of the school year - no refunds

A child may drop from enrollment after the third week of classes, provided:

  1. It is approved by school authorities
  2. The dropping date is not within the week before a periodical examination, in which case the child is mandated to complete the requirements for the grading period.
  3. The tuition and miscellaneous fees for the current semester and all other outstanding fees (past and/or current) are paid in full, regardless of the date of dropping within that semester.
  4. The dropping form has been satisfactorily completed. Until then, the child shall be required to attend classes regularly.

Students with outstanding balances from previous school year/s will not be allowed to enroll for the incoming school year unless they settle their previous accounts.

No transfer of credentials (F137 and F138) or certificate of eligibility will be released for non-payment of financial obligations or property responsibility.

Enrollment Reservation

All pupils and students are required to file their Enrollment Reservation for the next school year within the specified reservation period. Late reservations shall be penalized.

The reservation fee shall be payable only to the Treasurer’s Office and shall be credited to the child’s tuition fee upon enrollment.

Pupils and students who exhibit poor academic performance, habitual tardiness and absenteeism or behavioral problems may not be issued Enrollment Reservation forms pending proper evaluation by school authorities for admission to the next school year. If no reservation is issued, then the child is for non-admission and shall be advised to file for clearance and transfer.

Reservation fee is non-transferable and non-refundable.

The school reserves the right to revoke any reservation if the pupil/student violates school rules and regulations.

Pupils and students with unsettled accounts in the previous school year will not be allowed to enroll in the next grade level unless the said accounts are fully settled.

Admission Requirements

The following shall be the admission requirements for new pupils/students and transferees to the Philippine Pasay Chung Hua Academy:

  1. General Average must be 78% or better and with a Conduct grade of 80% or better.
  2. Passing Score in the school entrance examination.
  3. Form 138 (Report Card) and/or valid credentials of transfer eligibility and signed by the school head.
  4. Two (2) photocopies of birth certificate from NSO (please show original for verification)
  5. Letter of Good Moral Character or letter of recommendation from the School Principal or Guidance Counselor
  6. Two (2) 2x2 pictures with white background
  7. Additional requirements for Naturalized Filipinos/Resident Foreign and Dual Citizen applicants:

For Naturalized Filipinos: (2 photocopies, to present original copy)

  1. Naturalized Identification Certificate (INC)

For Resident Foreign Applicants: (2 photocopies, to present original copy)

  1. Alien Certificate of Registraiton (ACR)
  2. Valid foreign passport
  3. Special Resident Retiree’s Visa (SRRV)
  4. Special Investor’s Resident Visa (SIRV)

For Dual Citizens or applicants who were born abroad: (2 photocopies, to present original copy)

  1. Identification Certificate of Recognition (ICR)
  2. Bureau of Immigration Order
  3. Report of Birth from the Foreign Services of the Philippines - Philippine Consulate
  4. Valid Foreign Passport
  5. Valid Philippine Passport